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Amanda Tyler. Photograph courtesy BJC
“We Cannot Rely on the United States Supreme Court to Protect Our Rights" June 30, 2022
Baptists are a diverse group and that is in some ways most evident in the advocacy around issues of church and state. While Brent Leatherwood of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission welcomed the Supreme Court’s decisions on church and state matters, the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty leader sounded alarms. Sharing a point of view rarely heard in the public conversation, the group’s executive director Amanda Tyler offers context and history for her advocacy and the organization’s reaction to rulings that open the door for greater entanglement between religious groups and government.

Amanda Tyler J.D. Executive director of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty. working to promote religious liberty, defending the free exercise of religion, and protecting against its establishment by government.

Our theme Breath Deep is copyright MC Yogi.
This week's closing music, New Hope, by Audiobinger, is
used under a Creative Commons By Attribution 4.0 license.

All additional music by Blue Dot Sessions.