“The Arc of Truth is Long”: Reading Martin Luther King Jr. in a ‘Post-Truth’ Age |
January 12, 2023 |
Dr. Lewis V Baldwin, professor emeritus at Vanderbilt University, discusses his new book, “The Arc of Truth: The Thinking of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr,” which he was inspired to write, in part, by the battle over truth that characterized the presidency of Donald Trump. According to Lewis, Dr. King began seeking truth in lived experience, philosophy, religion, and history at the age of 6. He asks what Dr. King would have made of “alternative facts” in a “post-truth” America. He looks at what we could lose if we forget the teachings of Dr. King.
Dr. Lewis V. Baldwin, author of The Arc of Truth: The Thinking of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Baldwin is a native of Camden, Alabama. With degrees in history, Black Church Studies, and American Christianity. He is Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.