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Flickr User | lawriecate
Branches of Judaism, NYPD's Surveillance of Muslims, and More
March 02, 2012
The differences between the big three, the AP's Pulitzer Prize-winning story on surveillance of Muslims, and why a JFK speech makes Rick Santorum want to "throw up."
Flickr User | zeeweez
Many Branches, One Faith March 02, 2012
It can be hard to figure out the differences between the main branches of Judaism - many Jews don’t quite know. The big three are Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. They’re not quite denominations, the way Christianity has say, the Catholic, Lutheran and Episcopal churches. They’re more like movements, which have come up with different ways of reconciling the traditions of the past with the realities of the present. A historian and two rabbis explain.
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, orthodox rabbi and author of "Kosher Jesus"
Pamela Nadell, Director of the Jewish Studies Program at American University of and author of "Conservative Judaism in America: A Biographical Dictionary and Sourcebook"
Rabbi Bruce Lustig, reform rabbi at Washington Hebrew Congregation
Credit: Google Maps
Why the NYPD is Secretly Mapping Muslims March 02, 2012
Since 2002, the New York Police Department has been secretly documenting where Muslims pray, eat, shop and work – from mosques and student groups to fried chicken joints and dollar stores. This February, The Associated Press obtained and released several official police reports that exclusively profile Muslims as possible threats to national security. Some question the legality of these investigations; others say it's a necessity in post-9/11 America.
Pictured: A section of Paterson, N.J., under surveillance by the NYPD, from files obtained by The AP. The description reads, "This is reportedly to be a Mosque that is attended by both Palestinian and Chechen worshipers."
Matt Apuzzo, investigative reporter for The Associated Press
Flickr User | Gage Skidmore
Rick Santorum: JFK's Speech 'Makes Me Want to Throw Up' March 02, 2012
It’s a line he now says he regrets, but still, Rick Santorum stands behind a recent interview for ABC News: "The idea that the church can have no the operation of the state is absolutely antithetical to the objectives and vision of our country.” He was responding directly to Kennedy’s famous 1960 speech on the separation of church and state. Only problem is, he got it wrong - Kennedy never said that.
Rev. Barry Lynn, executive director of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State
Credit: Harper Collins
Web Exclusive: Model Carre Otis March 02, 2012
You might not recognize her name, but you'll most certainly know her face - it's one of the most iconic in the fashion industry. In the late 80s and early 90s, Carre Otis’ striking image appeared in Calvin Klein and Guess ads, and on the covers of Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar. After years of alcohol abuse, eating disorders and bad relationships, she discovered Tibetan Buddhism, and began a decade-long spiritual journey to find her true self. Produced by Laura Kwerel.

Carre Otis, model and author of "Beauty, Disrupted: A Memoir"