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Credit:  Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
The Inquisition Lives, Ash Wednesday's Sacred Smudge, and More
February 17, 2012
Why the Inquistion never really went away, the ash behind Ash Wednesday, and remembering the prayer life of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Credit: Cullen Murphy
The Inquistion: Then and Now February 17, 2012
Waterboarding, wrist-hanging and interrogating are sooo 12th century. Vanity Fair editor Cullen Murphy argues that the techniques and mindsets of the Inquisition - that 700-year war against Jews, Muslims, Protestants and other “heretics” - carry on in today's foreign policies. 
Cullen Murphy, author of "God's Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World"
Credit: Flickr | Sara Korf
Ash Wednesday's Sacred Smudge February 17, 2012
On February 22nd, there’s a good chance you’ll see many of your co-workers, friends and neighbors with a smear of ash on their foreheads. If you’re not a Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, or any number of other traditions, you might not know what it is. And you wouldn’t be alone. Father Thomas Reese explains the meaning of this very visible Christian ritual: a symbol of humility and repentance of sins.
Father Thomas Reese, Senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center
Credit: Fortress Press
The Prayer Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. February 17, 2012
Since Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in 1968, scholars have studied his sermons, his speeches and his non-violent philosophy to find the sources of his strength. Now, a new book unveils what may be the key to his power: prayer. From January 2010.