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Credit: Courtesy of Tim Cragg
PBS Documents the Amish, The Catholic Church's Ban on Birth Control, and More
February 24, 2012
A new documentary offers a glimpse into the life and faith of the Amish, why the Catholic Church forbids birth control, and the divisions between Mormons and evangelical Christians. 
Credit: Courtesy of Tim Cragg
An Honest Portrait of an Idealized Faith February 24, 2012
Over the course of one year, David Belton documented the daily lives of Amish Americans, creating an intimate portrait of a people rarely seen on film. It’s an honest look at a romanticized group. Belton says that tourists flock to Amish country by the thousands in search of an idealized America we believe we have lost- an America where we are close to our families, live off the land and have a strong sense of morals.
"The Amish" airs on PBS stations nationwide on Tuesday, February 28.
David Belton, writer and director of the PBS American Experience documentary, "The Amish"
Flickr User | MMarkus
Why the Catholic Church Bans Birth Control February 24, 2012
Catholic theology teaches that if you put something in the way of reproduction, you are frustrating the natural end of sex, the way God intended it. For the Catholic hierarchy, sex without the intention of children goes against a theological concept called “natural law,” an idea drawn from Thomas Aquinas. A theologian takes us behind the health care headlines and explains the history of this Catholic teaching and the response of the Catholic laity.
Susan Ross, Chair of the Theology Department at Loyola University of Chicago
Credit: Monkfish Book Publishing
Mormons v. Evangelicals: A Political and Theological Debate February 24, 2012
Questions about Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith have long concerned an important voting block: conservative evangelicals. Many evangelicals don’t believe that Mormons are true Christians; some even consider them members of a well-run cult. A Mormon scholar and evangelical pastor talk frankly about the theological differences between the two faiths.
Bob Millet, a Mormon and a professor of Religious Education at Brigham Young University

Greg Johnson, an evangelical pastor and the founder of Standing Together