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Susannah George
God & Gov: Lebanon Edition and Sordid Secrets in the Vatican Bank
April 30, 2015
Summary: Maureen is back from her journey to Lebanon, and becomes our reporter on the ground for the latest installment of our God and Government series. And the Vatican Bank may be blessed by God, but it has been manipulated by the hands of men since its creation in the 1940s.
Susannah George
Lebanon: Where Religious Clout and Political Power Collide April 30, 2015
This week, Maureen is back from her travels to Lebanon for the latest in our God and Government series. We'll meet a host of people whose lives have been shaped by the country's close connection between religion and state, including the first couple to officially marry in a non-religious ceremony; the archbishop of Beirut, who uses his religious clout to help citizens find government jobs; and a woman in Beirut who relies on the militant Muslim group Hezbollah to keep her lights on.

Ussama Makdisi, professor of history and the chair of the Arab Studies department at Rice University
Susannah George, radio reporter and producer based in the Middle East


heribert pohl | flickr
Dirty Dealings at the Vatican Bank April 30, 2015
We open the vaults of the Vatican Bank, an institution that may be blessed by God, but has been manipulated by the hands of men since its establishment in the early 1940s. We'll wade through the bank’s backroom dealings with a host of unseemly characters, from the Nazis to Italian mobsters, who have made good use of this secretive, tax-free hideout inside a holy institution. Pope Francis has now ordered a major reform.

Gerald Posner, author of God's Bankers: A History of Money and Power at the Vatican