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Positive Thinking, The Sacrament of Smoking Weed, and More
January 09, 2014
Summary: A new book investigates the law of attraction - the idea that thoughts create reality; the prayer life of Martin Luther King Jr.; and the roots (and buds) of Rastafarian spirituality.
Credit: Random House
'Think Positive': A History January 09, 2014
"Words are like seeds," reads a recent Tweet by megachurch pastor Joel Osteen. "If you dwell on them long enough, they will take root and flourish." The idea that thoughts create reality, sometimes called "The Law of Attraction," can be found all over American culture, from the sermons of prosperity gospel preachers to the pages of self-help books like The Secret. Its history stretches back to a mystical religious movement in 19th century America.

Mitch Horowitz, author of One Simple Idea: How Positive Thinking Reshaped Modern Life
Credit: Fortress Press
The Prayer Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. January 09, 2014
Since Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in 1968, scholars have studied his sermons, his speeches and his non-violent philosophy to find the sources of his strength. We talk to a historian who says a key part of King's identity has been overlooked: his prayer life. From January 2010.
Credit: Wikimedia Commons
The Roots (and Buds) of Rastafarian Spirituality January 09, 2014
If you live in Colorado, you can now walk into a store and buy recreational marijuana. America's first retail weed stores opened there on January 1st. That's great news to many, including members of the religious social movement Rastafari, who have long used marijuana, or "ganja," as a kind of religious sacrament. 

Ennis Edmonds, professor of religious studies at Kenyon College