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Book cover of Jeff'erson's Quran by Denise Spellberg. Courtesy Penguin Random House
Jefferson’s Quran February 20, 2022
As a law student, Thomas Jefferson bought a Quran from an English publisher. But why? Did he read it as a sacred text? As a window into Muslim law? Denise Spellberg, professor of history at the University of Texas at Austin explains the likely reasons for Jefferson’s purchase, which is now in the Library of Congress, and how he and his contemporaries thought about Muslims.
Denise Spellberg, author of Thomas Jefferson’s Quran: Islam and the Founders

Thomas Jeffersons Quran. Library of Congress CC0

Thomas Jefferson's Quran
Library of Congress

Our theme Breath Deep is copyright MC Yogi.

This week's closing music, Summer Nights, by Audiobinger, is 
used under a Creative Commons By Attribution 4.0 license.

All additional music by Blue Dot Sessions.

Remixes and sound design by Dissimilation Heavy Industries.