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Ryan Bayne | Flickr
Evangelical Christianity grows in once-atheist Cuba April 06, 2018
Though religion was once pushed underground in Cuba, the government tolerated its re-emergence in the uncertainty following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The Cuban government has been quietly tolerating many forms of religious expression — as long as religious practice doesn’t veer into political dissent. And a new faith movement is picking up a bit of the slack as the country’s social welfare system comes under strain — the fast-growing Evangelical Christian tradition. Plus, a reporter from WAMU reports on how people of faith in Washington DC, like those across the country, reflected on the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination.

Michael Bustamante, historian, Florida International University
Felix Contreras, host, NPR's Alt.Latino
Mikaela Lefrak, arts and culture reporter, WAMU