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Can religious concepts of forgiveness silence #MeToo stories? June 26, 2018
The hashtag "MeToo" became popularized last year, as women across industries and communities came forward to tell their stories of sexual abuse, harassment, and discrimination by men in power. And although it seemed that #MeToo has spread to every corner of America, some women who have suffered abuse within religious communities struggle to receive acknowledgement and justice. This can be, as we learn, exacerbated by the practice of forgiveness that many religious traditions teach. We hear from Zainab Salbi, documentarian and host of PBS’ “#Me Too, Now What?” series and chaplain at American University Rev. Mark Schaefer about how when forgiveness is improperly applied into a scenario of sexual abuse, it can leave the survivor feeling deeply invalidated.

Zainab Salbi, journalist, women's rights activist, host of PBS’ “#Me Too, Now What?” series 
Rev. Mark Schaefer, University Chaplain at American University and author of The Certainty of Uncertainty