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Susan Katz Miller
When ‘Pick One” is Not an Option: Building Interfaith Families
February 11, 2022
Susan Katz Miller explores the possibilities, benefits, and challenges of interfaith marriages — and we hear from listeners who describe their own interfaith families..
When ‘Pick One” is Not an Option: Building Interfaith Families February 11, 2022
Susan Katz Miller shares her own interfaith background, both as a child of an interfaith marriage and a partner in a two-religion family with children. There is no one “right” way to be an interfaith family, she says, and no matter what path an interfaith couple chooses, they will “have to defend your choice.”

Bein Both
Being Both
Beacon Press

The Interfaith Family Journal, courtesy Beacon Press

The Interfaith Family Journal
Skinner House

For her book on interfaith families, Susan Katz Miller interviewed a number of teenagers raised with more than one religion. She shares what those interviews revealed and describes the growth of “interfaith Sunday schools” around the country.

Sometimes, it’s the children who introduce a new or second (or third) religion to the family when they start exploring their options. Susan Katz Miller discusses best practices for parents whose children choose a different faith path than their own.

Susan Katz Miller. Author, journalist, and expert on interfaith families. Her most recent book, The Interfaith Family Journal, from Skinner House, came out in 2019.

This week's closing music, New Hope, by Audiobinger, is 
used under a Creative Commons By Attribution 4.0 license.

All additional music by Blue Dot Sessions.

Remixes and sound design by Dissimilation Heavy Industries