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Losing a Child to Extremism, Stopping Others
June 02, 2016
A mother shares the story of how her son was radicalized and joined ISIS, and experts share their thoughts on how to counter recruitment efforts by terror groups.
Christianne Boudreau
Losing a Child to Extremism June 02, 2016
What happens when your child joins a radical Islamic group? Christianne Boudreau discusses how her son was recruited to fight with ISIS in Syria, how she found out, and what she's doing now to support families who have lost children to extremism. 

Pictured: Christianne Boudreau and her late son, Damian Clairmont

Christianne Boudreau, coordinator of Mothers For Life  
Combating Radicalization June 02, 2016
An imam and a researcher share new ideas on how to combat-- even reverse--  radicalization by groups like ISIS, using religious education and counter narratives.

Click here to view the "Say No To Terror," formerly "Terrorism Has No Religion," video described in the interview. 

Mohamed Magid, imam at All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) Center
Kurt Braddock, researcher of communication, terrorism and radicalization at Penn State University 
Quiz: Thou Shalt Not Tell A Lie June 02, 2016
Thou Shalt Not Tell A Lie is a new quiz on Interfaith VoicesTwo statements are false; one is true. It's up to you to figure out which is which. Vote here on the statement you think is correct!

For this week's quiz, we turn to one of the latest political battlegrounds: the bathroom! Specifically, we're referring to efforts to block transgender people from using public bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity-- a debate that's sometimes been framed by religious beliefs.

So, which of these statements is true about religious views of the transgender community? 

1. Southern Baptists surprised the Evangelical world by creating a special re-naming ceremony for Baptists coming out as a new gender. 

2. Hinduism has long recognized a gender category that is neither male or female, called the "fourth gender." 

3. The nation of Iran, a Muslim country where homosexuality is outlawed, is a top destination for gender reassignment surgery. 

Tune in next week for the correct answer!