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Nostra Aetate:The Vatican's Reconciliation with Judaism October 22, 2015
When our own Maureen Fiedler attended mass as a child, the priest would pray for the conversion of the Jews, to "remove the veil from their hearts." And for centuries, Catholic tradition taught that Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus. But that all changed in 1965, when the Vatican published a ground-breaking official document called Nostra Aetate. Now, fifty years later, we confront the long history of anti-Semitism in the Catholic Church and find out what still needs to be done.

James Carroll, Writer-in-Residence at NYU author of Christ, Actually: The Son of God in the Secular Age
Rabbi Jack Moline, Executive Director of the Interfaith Alliance

From March, 1963: Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel meeting with Cardinal Augustine Bea, who oversaw the draft of Nostra Aetate. (American Jewish Committee)