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Understanding Salafi Muslims, the Bible in African-American Art, and More
February 21, 2013
Summary: An inside look at Salafi Muslims, who believe they are following the ideals of the Salaf, Arabic for "ancestors." And the role of the Bible in the lives of African-American artists.
Credit: Omar Ahmadmia
Salafi Muslims: Following the Ancestors of Islam February 21, 2013
You’ve probably heard the stories about extremist Salafi Muslims, who have destroyed shrines in Mali and are calling for strict Shariah law in Egypt. While it’s true that Salafis around the world share a common goal of returning to the ideals of early Islam, Islamic scholar Yasir Qadhi cautions the group is far from monolithic.

Yasir Qadhi, Dean of Academic Affairs at the AlMaghrib Institute
Courtesy of the Artist and Hemphill Arts
African-Americans and Biblical Imagery February 21, 2013
When Africans were brought to the Americas as slaves, they were forbidden to read and write. But those rules didn’t stop them, and one of the first books they got their hands on was the Bible. In it, they found a framework to reinterpret their own stories and histories. We sit down with the curator of a new art exhibition called “Ashe to Amen: African Americans and Biblical Imagery." It's on display at the Museum of Biblical Art in New York through May 26.

Dr. Leslie King Hammond, founding director of the Center for Race and Culture at the Maryland Institute College of Art

View artwork from the exhibition

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